Upcoming Online Talk: Plague and Pestilence - a history of pandemics and their impact on the nation

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We are delighted to announce our third online talk.  Bruce Jamieson returns to our talks series and is going to deliver: “Plague and Pestilence - a history of pandemics and their impact on the nation.

Bruce is a well kent Linlithgow resident and former Principal Teacher of History at the Academy and Provost of the Deacons Court. He has written and lectured extensively on the history of the town and we are delighted that he has put this talk together for us.  

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Bruce writes: “My talk will be an illustrated presentation tracing the history of epidemics, pandemics and sundry contagions which have afflicted Scotland from the 14th century to the present day. It will particularly focus on how various outbreaks of disease have impacted on Linlithgow and how “medical practitioners" across the ages have attempted to tackle the outbreaks. I’ll try to make it light-hearted!! 

We’re looking forward to it already!

The talk will take place on February 25th at 7.30pm on Zoom. There is a small charge of £3 and you can book your slot using this link to Eventbrite.